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Holistic Dental Lecture Transcribed (Part 4)

Female: What happens to the roots of good teeth when they’re ground down for a bridge?

Daniel: Actually, you don’t grind the roots at all. Let me see if I can find, here, something that I could use to… Yeah. So, this is a good example. So the roots would be down below here, and all we’re seeing right here is just the crown of the tooth, so the root would be all the way down here,  so nothing happens at all to the root, and what you’re taking is a couple of millimeters off of the outside of the crown only. So it’s just the outside of the tooth part itself, but not the root. The root stays in place. And actually, those are the two pillars that actually hold the bridge together with the middle part attached to it.

First female in audience: It’s very interesting. Thank you for all that. I do have a question. I’ve got two questions. The first question, you talk about the bioceramic. Is it done in Europe – you said that it’s done in Europe, I’m French, I just wanted to know if it’s done in Europe. That’s the first question. And my first question, you talk about the bioceramic and the interference, the magnet interference.

Daniel: With the ceramics?

First female in audience: With everything that you told. And I wanted to ask you if you have information such as links, surveys, and things like that because when I’m testing people, I’m a kinesiologist. Amongst ten people, eight have the problem. And you spoke about the meridian. It’s absolutely true. Most of the time, I [inaudible]. And to go further to what you’re saying, there’s a dentist in France, in south of France, it may be only three dentists like that in France, we are sixty million, and it did a YouTube fantastic film, once he had a patient. This woman couldn’t even put her arm more than this high, so she started from the ground and then she did that. She couldn’t. Then [inaudible] with a camera, a movie, and then he removed something or he changed something with the ceramics, and then suddenly, she could do that. And I was [inaudible] results, [inaudible] and things like that, and I couldn’t even believe that things could be –

Daniel: Right. You can actually get charged very easy in the internet, and you can actually correlate the tooth with the meridian, and you’d be surprised what you find sometimes. Now, as far as the bioceramic material, you’re talking about the root canal material? The BC sealer? Or you’re talking about the crowns, or what specifically?

First female in audience: You said actually the bioceramics is better. And you talked about [inaudible], so that’s why I wanted to know.

Daniel: Okay, so you’re talking about the ceramic bridges and crowns and so forth.

Female: The bio one.

Daniel: I’m not exactly sure what we’re alluding to, but if your question is what would be the most, and it depends on what you’re talking about. If you’re talking about a crown, what would be the cleanest, most biocompatible material for a crown? The best material you could have is probably just a pure zirconia. They’re called bruxzir crowns. Bruxzir. Now, I have patients that are extremely chemically sensitive, and I’ve had one patient in particular last year that tested very sensitive to everything except for the bruxzir. He was even sensitive to the glaze of the bruxzir. So the bruxzir crown is not going to be very pretty. It’s going to be very chalky looking, and we put some glaze to make it look pretty. But the glaze is probably the most toxic part of the crown, so if you want to go with a very, just pure, pure crown, the cleanest that there is, if you have a lot of sensitivies or challenges, would be a bruxzir crown, unglazed. And then you could probably buff it and give it a nice, you know, finish just by buffing it. It’s not the most aesthetic. Using it in front would probably raise some eyebrows. It’s not terrible, but it’s not the most aesthetic. They all have pros and minuses, but as far as the health is concerned, that would be the one. And then you – did I answer your questions? Okay. Alright. Thank you for your questions.

Female: Here’s  quick one: is it safe to rinse with hydrogen peroxide after brushing?

Daniel: Yes, it’s safe. Hydrogen peroxide is perfectly safe. And it makes sense if you guys think about what we talked about, right? The hydrogen peroxide, right, peroxide, you’re actually adding some oxygen into the area, which is not very welcomed by some of these bacteria, these anaerobic bacteria. I would say, though, that a lot of people talk to be about hydrogen peroxide. There’s really no comparison between hydrogen peroxide and ozone. Ozone is much more concentrated, much greater amount of oxygen per square inch, and a lot more able to kill more of the anaerobics, so I would say ozone would be much preferable, but hydrogen peroxide is fine. In the long run, though, if you get an ozone generator, it will be cheaper than buying a lot of hydrogen peroxide. You know, you should shop it around in the internet, but they usually, a good machine runs between two hundred and two hundred and fifty dollars. No. It’s just an ozone generator. You can use it for anything you want. There are actually people who use ozone to ozonate olive oil and do flushes. There are different things that you could do with it, so that’s a whole other lecture, but… Yes, dear?

Second female in audience: Do you recommend calcium supplementations or any other supplementations?

Daniel: What kind of supplementations? Calcium supplementations. You know, calcium supplementation by itself, and as far as the teeth are concerned is, I would say, useless.

Second female in audience: Oh.

Daniel: Yeah. I don’t think your body absorbs it, and even if your body absorbs it, you know, your teeth are already calcified. Most of the recalcification of the teeth happens in the mouth with the enamel, directly through the mouth. A little bit of the calcium you could have could go into the saliva and help somewhat, but I don’t think it’s a major player. I would say eating well, [inaudible], you know, especially some of the high-calcium containing vegetables would probably be much, much better than to have calcium in isolation, because calcium needs phosphorus, needs a few other elements to really be properly absorbed.

Second female in audience: So, no supplementation period.

Daniel: Yeah. You know what, I’m a really anti-supplement kind of guy. I think good nutrition by far outweighs a lot of the stuff that millions of dollars are spent, or billions of dollars are spent to promote.

Second female in audience: [Inaudible] with vitamin D?

Daniel: Vitamin D’s a little different story, and we found some research showing that a great number of people in this world today are vitamin D deficient, so that would be the one supplement that I would consider, especially if you live in an area which is not sunny or you spend a lot of time indoors. You’re welcome. That was Shakespeare’s question. To be or not to be, to do or not to do. So tell me, what’s your situation.

Female: He’s talking about the fact that if you remove the nerve of the tooth it leaves the tooth dead, and also that the canals fill with germs and viruses and then penetrate the jaw bone and can cause severe infectious bone damage.

Daniel: Right. So this is what we talked about. Traditional root canals, absolutely, they create micro spaces that get infected. Traditional root canals, and 99 percent of the root canals in everybody’s mouths are traditional root canals. Very few people use biocompatible materials for the root canals, so absolutely. Root canal done in a traditional matter will probably be a focus of infection. As far as it being a dead tooth, that’s not absolutely true. You do take some of the irrigation and innervation from inside the tooth, but there’s still a lot of innervation and blood supply coming from the outside of the tooth, so it’s not totally true that it’s dead. It does become more brittle. It does become more calcified. The big issue, I think, was more with the infection part of it. Now, will a biocompatible root canal get rid of the infections? In my clinical experience, patients have gotten considerably better when we’ve actually retreated traditional root canals with biocompatible materials. I believe that I probably would use one in my mouth if I had to, depending on my circumstances, but since it’s not a certainty, again, it depends on you. I have healthy patients that, you know, have an important tooth that would actually affect their lifestyle, their quality of life, taking it out, and I have no hesitation. I know that that is not exactly in line with the Gerson Institute, and this is beautiful that we can have a conversation, but you know, I strongly believe in biocompatible root canals in healthy patients under certain circumstances. Not a blanket statement, and I don’t recommend it for everybody. No. Not people with cancer. No. Not people who have major challenges. No. I’m sorry, I can’t hear you.

First male in audience: When he said… You see, when he said that the nerves come down, right? Then he said that nerve was going to be empty.

Daniel: It’s not empty, it gets filled. It’s not empty.

First male in audience: No, I’m not talking about the tooth. I’m talking about the nerves underneath. What happened with it?

Daniel: The nerve underneath actually, you know, you have nerves that are going to the teeth. Basically that nerve just moves through. It doesn’t need to connect there any longer. But it does, because there are nerve innervations around the tooth, as well. So that’s really not an issue. The bigger issue is the focal point of infection. I think really that’s the main issue here. You’re welcome.

Third female in audience: Have you seen any correlation between cancer developing in a patient who has teeth removed, young cadaver bone graft done, and cancer forming afterwards, like within eight to ten months?

Daniel: I have not read any research. Have you?

Third female in audience: No.

Daniel: No. I have not. And in our practice, we don’t use any cadaver or even bovine graft. We use basically calcium based grafting any time we have to graft bone. You know, who knows what the issues will be ten or twenty or thirty years from now from using cadaver bones, so I don’t really want to expose my patients –

Third female in audience: More specifically, I have, my sister had a bone graft done eight to ten months ago, and it was a young cadaver bone, and then after eight months, she is found with cancer in the [inaudible].

Daniel: Yeah. It may not be related, but my gut feeling is that I would not use cadaver bone on myself or my family or my patients. I don’t think it’s needed. If there are really situations that require large bone grafts, I would be much more inclined to do a [inaudible] bone graft, you know, from another part of your body and put it into your own, you know, into your mouth, or to use, what we use is a calcium based bone grafting material which just creates a matrix and a holding pattern for your own body to actually lay the bone in. Sorry about your sister.

Second male in audience: Hi, thank you. I just wanted to know your opinion with regards to oil pulling and oral hygiene.

Daniel: Great. So oil pulling is an effective method of actually pulling some toxins out of your mouth, and I think it’s been used for a long, long, long time.

Female: Dr. Vinograd, could you explain in case people don’t know what oil pulling is, actually?

Daniel: Yeah. You basically use a base of oil. It could be, some people use walnut oil, coconut oil, different kinds of oils, and you actually hold it in your mouth and swish it for a long period of time, and the oil actually helps draw the toxins. Yeah. Anywhere – there are people who do it for twenty minutes. Ten, fifteen, twenty minutes. I don’t, I usually don’t recommend it in my practice so much because 95 percent of all the toxins in the mouth are generated by bacteria, mostly anaerobic bacteria, so I’m mostly a proponent of the ozone rather than the oil pulling. It’s faster and I think much more effective in going to the root cause. If you have bacteria that are generating this, you can oil pull the toxins, but the bacteria are still in there, and they’re recreating the scenario again, over and over again.

Fourth female in audience: Hi.

Daniel: Hi.

Fourth female in audience: I have two questions.

Daniel: Sure.

Fourth female in audience: I’m having an amalgam removed. I have one in my mouth. And I’m getting an onlay done – is that right? Is that normally a composite material or a porcelain material?

Daniel: It can be both.

Fourth female in audience: Okay.

Daniel: It can be both. If it’s going to be, it’s going to probably be done at the lab or at the dental office. It’s going to be milled. So if it’s going to be milled, your composite will probably not have any BPAs or any fluoride, which is a good thing, but it can be both. Either or. And most of the time it’s porcelain, and that’s probably going to be the more stable of the two materials.

Fourth female in audience: Oh, okay. And also, what’s your opinion about pulling wisdom teeth?

Daniel: You know, wisdom teeth are most problematic when they’re partially erupted, because once they get partially erupted, you have a real bacterial trap there, which is basically what we talked about in pockets, it creates a much larger pocket in there that becomes problematic in that sense. When they’re in the bone, you’re just watching for the possibility of cysts in the future, but most problematic when they’re halfway in. Yeah. You’re welcome. Thanks for your question. Hi. Pulling teeth out in order to get braces? Can you speak into the mic a little bit?

Fifth female in audience: Hello? Ah, there we go. I was wondering what your opinion is about pulling out healthy teeth in order to get a brace, because that’s what they do in my country.

Daniel: It’s usually a good idea if you need it, obviously, if you trust and if you have a competent orthodontist, then they’re pulling it because usually your arch, the arch of your jaw, or your maxilla, is not large enough to accommodate all the teeth. So it’s very important that you don’t have crowding so that you don’t eventually have gum issues.

Fifth female in audience: So it won’t create like a disbalanced situation?

Daniel: No. Usually it’s a beneficial situation when you can get your teeth aligned and no crowding.

Fifth female in audience: Okay. Thank you.

Daniel: You’re welcome.

Female: Well, thank you so much, Dr. Vinograd. I know everybody’s learned so much from you today. I know I learn something new every time you come, and I think everybody will join me in thanking you for being here today.

Transcription: part 1 | part 2 | part 3

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