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Holistic Dental Lecture Transcribed (Part 2)

So these are some of the basics that you guys should really keep in mind when you go visit your dentist. First of all, that you want a rubber dam for the debris not to be ingested, and you want oxygen to, you know, prevent you from breathing any of it, the gases, the power. A lot of ventilation, high-power vacuum, and you want a hand piece, maybe an electric hand piece that can be regulated and can actually cut the amalgams in small sections and have those segments come out rather than grinding everything out. The more you grind, the more that you have an opportunity to reingest a lot of that. In our office, in addition, we use homeopathy to protect our patients. We have natural ventilation, which is, I think, important as well, and we can do nutritional guidance and quadrants dentistry. That means we actually lay a rubber dam in a quarter of your mouth and then we clean everything out one quadrant at a time. So let’s talk a little bit, now this starts getting interesting, because people come to the office and say, “Okay, I’m ready to get my amalgams out. What are my choices?”

And, you know, people mostly replace amalgams with composites. What are composites? Anybody know what composites are? Composites are basically, to just keep it really simple, they’re basically plastic and glass mixed together. This is what composites are. And is this better than mercury amalgam? A lot less toxic. Is it perfect? Not by far. So that’s basically what a composite is, and you have, kind of, two options in your composite. You either have a pure composite, and I don’t know of any composite in the market that does not contain BPAs, so if you have some challenges with your health, especially if you have some hormonal imbalances, you know, BPAs are not exactly something that you want to be having, especially when you have large restorations and you’re going to be chewing on that plastic crystal combination. So the other possibility is a combination of a glass ionomer with a composite. Now, they’ve managed to get the BPAs out of that, but the glass ionomer, by just the way they are, just by its essence, has a small amount of fluoride. So these are your choices at this point: little bit of fluoride, BPAs. So now you’re beginning to understand that there are choices to be made, and you have to be made aware of exactly what’s being used. Now, the other thing that could be used is ceramics. Why do dentists not just use ceramics all the time? Cost. It’s basically cost. Probably, ceramic is probably four times more expensive than a composite, and most people have limitations. But again, you should understand that you have those choices and that a porcelain piece that has been baked is a lot more stable than a composite that has not. So when it comes to crowns, we don’t have, really, I mean they have composite crowns, but they’re really not traditionally used. And you can have different kinds of crowns in your mouth. A lot of people want to get away from the metal. Now, is metal really the worst thing you can have in your mouth? It’s not good, but we have to make a differentiation here.  Metal versus amalgam fillings. Metal usually does not contain mercury; amalgam fillings do. So they’re really a totally different category.

Having said that, even though some metals are quite a bit more biocompatible than others. For example, they have pure titanium cores with a porcelain covering is probably one of the most biocompatible metal crowns that you can have. So from a biological point of view, not terrible. From an electromagnetic point of view, that’s a different story. You know, some people really don’t want metal in their mouths because it does disrupt a lot of [inaudible]. And then we have no metal crowns, which is mostly what we use in our practice, and you have bilayered crowns, which is a core of zirconia with porcelain layered on top, and then you have a pure zirconia, which is a bruxzir crown. All porcelain crowns have either zirconium-oxide or aluminum-oxide. When they are in that form, they’re usually stable, and because they are baked, they’re a lot more stable. But still, when I say there are no perfect materials, really there are no perfect materials. And again, you know, we have to find out what is the most biocompatible situation for you.

I’m happy to say that nowadays, you know, when I started out thirty years ago, it was just a handful of us that were advocating treating our patients as whole human beings and really being concerned about their whole health. I’m really happy to say that the quack has a following now. So oral disease and systemic disease. This is really interesting because I think one of the things that happened during the industrial revolution is that everything became compartmentalized. You know, the doctors became specialists, and the engineers became specialists, and all of the sudden, if you had a problem with an elbow, you had to go see an elbow specialist, and so what happened is we started disconnecting the fact that everything in our bodies work at once, and it’s all connected. So I’m here to talk to you about how a lot of the bacteria in the mouth actually move through our bloodstream and end up in our hearts, in our pancreas, and many other organs of our body.

So gum disease is one of the major ways in which we get in trouble, and when you see that inflammation in your gums, if you see a lot of redness and bleeding in your gums, it means that you probably have a lot of bacteria in there causing a lot of damage. Here’s a little more advanced stage. And what is happening here is that we all have little spaces between our gums and our teeth. We call them pockets, right, and when this is a small pocket, you know, maybe one or two millimeters here, you can actually go in with your toothbrush and clean it out. What happens when those pockets get to three, four, five, six millimeters, bacteria can have a party down there. Nobody knows, right? I mean, they’re having a blast, and nothing can touch them. These are all what we call bacteria, oxygen-hating bacteria. You know, you have in the mouth mostly bacteria that loves oxygen and bacteria that hates oxygen. So usually they hide in there because they don’t like the exposure to the air. So the same bacteria that actually has been found in the gum pockets has been found in diseased hearts and pancreas. This has been some good, solid research.

How do they get there? Very easy. The pockets actually, when you feel a little bit of inflammation, when you have bleeding in your pockets, you have access to your bloodstream. So all the bacteria that are in there are really accessing your bloodstream all the time. So how do you take care of that? Number one, traditional hygiene. Toothbrush, and floss, and that’s fine when you have two, three millimeter pockets, right, but when your pockets are a little bit deeper, we actually recommend that our patients use a water pick and an ozone generator. So what does a water pick do? A water pick actually has a stream of water, and you can access five, six, seven millimeter of pocket depth. An ozone generator can actually create O3 in your water, and it actually kills what we call anaerobic bacteria – that’s the bacteria that hates the oxygen – it dies on contact. You can actually kill that bacteria on contact. So we’ve had in our office patients that traditionally would be sent to the periodontist to get their gums trimmed, right, trimmed back, called periodontal surgery, and we’ve actually had them on maintenance on the ozone and water pick for quite a long time with really, really fantastic result.

Does that mean that you guys can’t use it if you don’t have periodontal disease? Not at all, because the ozone will kill periodontal anaerobics as well as [inaudible] generating bacteria. So this is a great thing. I’ve had my ozone generator probably for about thirty years, and you don’t need to use mouthwashes, any of that stuff if you’re going to have an ozone generator. Now, if you are going to get an ozone generator, I recommend using a well-ventilated area because it is irritating to breathe. It’s perfectly safe once it’s inside the water. That is a corona discharge, I would say six hundred [inaudible] per hour or better is good. You’re going to get effective ozone in your water. A thousand is better only because rather than leaving it fifteen to twenty minutes to ozonate the water, you can just leave it for about ten minutes. And make sure that it’s a properly sealed box. You know, in the internet they have some ozone generators, and they’re kind of homemade things, and they actually expose you to a lot of ozone in the air. So where can we buy the water irrigator?

You know, you can buy them most everywhere, and they’re fairly inexpensive. It’s a really good investment. I’ve had a couple of my patients that said, you know, “I put mine in my closet because I turned it on and I had water going all over the place, and I was taking a bath with it.” But if you’re patient with it, and you start using it, you know, you get the hang of it, it becomes a really, really good instrument for you guys. That’s the water pick. Uh huh. Now, you don’t want the travel model because it has a very, very small reservoir. You want, really, the home water pick that has the larger container. And don’t spend too much money on it, you know, any water pick would do as long as it has a large reservoir. And of course, you want to really go to your dentist, make sure that he’s actually probing, and ask your dentist, you know, do you see any pockets in here, and if you do, where? So you can go home and actually help yourself, and, you know, I could actually do the scaling for you every three months, every six months, whatever, but what I do for you can’t compare with what you could do if you’re doing that every day, because this is actually cleaning the inside of your gums once every so often.

You could be doing that every day. You’re actually killing those bacteria every day, and so there’s no dentist in the world that can actually compete with that. Another thing you might want to think about is if you have a lot of crowning, that creates a lot of problems with your gums are very hard to clean, and so you might think about maybe, not for aesthetics necessarily, but braces for this purpose, I think, are well worth it. And you know, both of the larger companies, Invisalign and Clear Correct, their trays do not contain any BPAs. Alright, here comes the elephant in the room. So, I know Gerson advocates no root canals, and I absolutely respect that. I just want to give you a little bit of background as to what is happening here with a root canal, and, again, give you information that allows you to make really intelligent choices.

So root canal controversy. Do we just leave it, do we retreat it with biocompatible materials, or do we extract it? Right? That’s usually the question we have if we have a root canal or if we’re going to get a root canal. Do we get it at all? So what is a root canal? It’s basically you have a package of a nerve, vein, and artery inside every tooth. Some teeth have three, four, five. Some teeth have just one. And when there’s inflammation and infection in this area right here, a dentist has to make an access through the top, remove this material, this organic material right here, and then fill it with something to make the difference up, right, to make the space up. Okay, so let me go back for a second. So why is the root canal so vilified in the internet? [Inaudible] with very good reason.

Transcription: part 1 | part 3 | part 4

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