see the video at:Â
My name is Jenny Kaylas and I’m a parent just like many of you. I have two children.  My nine-year-old son was diagnosed with autism in 2004; and while his younger sister never received a formal diagnosis, we knew very well that she had many characteristics of autism as well. I had those really sick kids, and over 30 medical specialists were unable to help us – unfortunately a story that many of you know all too well.
Our family started the biomed journey back in 2005, and like many of you in this room , the improvements we saw – no matter how big or how small – fueled our fire to continue to learn and help our children. Through this journey we have had many heroes and guardian angels some of whom are in this very room. But here today, I want to acknowledge one special person who has been helping us reach the finish line in the autism marathon. A person who has given us all the hugs and the hope we have needed to make recovery a reality. She uses an approach called Nutri genomics. She brings a unique technique array of insight, scientific knowledge and clinical experience to her approach to autism and to other forms of neurological information. She holds a doctorate in Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Disease; and she is widely recognized for her pioneering work with RNA. She has extensive research and clinical experience in both allopathic and integrative medicine. And since 2004, she has helped nearly 9000 families affected by autism. It is with great honor and privilege that I introduce today, Dr. Amy Yasko.
Thank you very much.
First I want to thank Ed and Terry for the opportunity to be able to come here and speak today to all of you. And we have a lot of information to cover today and so I’ll get started on and we’ll take some break in between when I will have to reload the PowerPoints for you. What I’m going to focus on first in part one of this talk is the factors that play a role in chronic gut inflammation. What’s going on with the gut bugs, the role of mitochondria, the role of oxidative stress, how estrogen plays a role and how we’re going to integrate a number of the other pieces such as BH4 levels, tryptophan levels, dopamine into this picture of gut bugs.
In the second part of the talk what I’ll do is share some exciting new information about approaches to specifically addressing some of these gut bugs. And then in the third part of the talk we will look at some of the results we have been found using similar programs for chronic fatigue as well as addressing viral infection.
So, just to start out a little slowly before we really gain some momentum here with the number the newer concepts - What I like to do is look at the situation that we’re  dealing with it with respect to autism as well as other neurological inflammation as a multi-factorial condition. So there’s a number of factors that need to come together at the same time in order to create the condition that we’re looking at.  And so we’ll look at the role of environment, toxins, infectious agents, as well as underlying genetic susceptibility that all are the pieces of the puzzle that need to come together in the right or the wrong way to have some of these conditions.
And as many of you who seen some of the DVDs in the past know,  I use what I call my Princess Diana example. If the car wasn’t speeding, if the paparazzi wasn’t chasing them, if she was wearing her seatbelt, if they weren’t in a narrow tunnel, if perhaps alcohol wasn’t involved. If you could remove anyone of these factors, you might not have a tragedy. And I think we’re dealing with a very similar situation when we look at autism as well as other adult neurological disease. And so, for any given individual what we want to do is break down the environmental component, the genetic component, infectious disease component and see if we can’t start to remove some of these factors or lower the burden to have a condition be less significant, less severe and we can work our way towards recovery.
And so, again, we’re looking at nutrigenomics as a way to evaluate the genetic contribution. And I’ve talked about that a lot in the past. I’m not going to go heavily into nutrigenomics today other than when I refer to certain specific mutations and how we look at supplementing or have may play a role. We do have a workbook that is free, it’s in the back of the room or you can go to the booth and get one if you like and I know we have that information on DVDs if people would prefer to have it in the format. The moms on our discussion group have helped to put this together and it will help to step you through the program, help to get you started in a more step-by-step fashion. The new book which is called “Pathways to Recovery” should be available within the next few months, and this is the workbook that goes along with it. And so there are certain or more basic concepts that I’ve gone over in the past that I’m going to fly right by today. And I would refer you to the workbook when it comes to some of the basics.
And so again, genetic susceptibility, we want a way not just to evaluate where the weaknesses are, but also a means to be able to address it and that’s what the idea behind some of the specific supplement lists, to bypass mutations in the methylation cycle and some of the newer compounded supplements to streamline the process to be able to bypass mutations.
And again I’m not going to go into detail today about the specific mutations other than when I refer to some of them… in the other parts of the top. But most of you’re probably familiar with these pathways recognizing that the neutrogenomic tests we run look at imbalances in this pathway and then help to guide you in terms of supplement choices to bypass these mutations. Aahm, usually we’re used to thinking of the single mutation creating a disease condition, yet in the case of autism it appears that multiple factors may go wrong simultaneously, and so it’s not a one-gene, one-condition situation. And so that it may be that a number of biomarkers in the pathway are necessary in order to have the condition of autism.
Later aahm… in the talk, I’ll refer to… I don’t know if any of you’ve seen the recent article in the Times magazine this week looking at aahm, specific mutations in the calcium voltage gated transporter in the cells and the relationship between the frequency of that snif and increased autism in males. And so we’re going to see that I… Well it may not be a sufficient condition it may be a predisposing factor along with other mutations in the methylation cycle.
And so again just to reiterate that when we are looking at autism and when we are looking at the genetic component aah… multiple alleles or changes are what were looking at the same time and looking to address these simultaneously. So I don’t personally believe that there’s going to be a single autism gene per se. I think we’re looking at a number of genes and pathways where when we have imbalances that occur at the same time it’s a predisposing condition for autism. But what I’m focusing on today is assuming that you’re going to look at a genetic component, that you’re going to look at supplementing to bypass those weaknesses and we are going to focus more on the microbes in the metals and what we need to do to address those and how they tie back to some of the mutations that we look at.
And so just to briefly reiterate some of the…what’s this…? Alright well, let’s skip the point. AAhm… some of the snips that we look at that appeared to be very significant when we are looking at gut issues are ACET SHM T some of the BHM T snap CBS and a 12986. And it’s not simply individual imbalances that are an issue but sometimes the combination of imbalances. And so I would suggest that if you do have your neutrogenomics in light of the conversation that we are going have today about the gut environment, make sure that you’re supplementing to bypass weaknesses and these genetic areas.
But when we look at the gut, and that’s what we’re really going to focus on today, there’s really three main factors that we’re looking at.
One is what I want to call the gut environment, and as I referred to earlier in the doctors workshop this morning – Do we have a clean environment work or do we basically have a swamp? And what I’m looking at when I’m concerned about that swamp is the pH.
Thank you, oh that’s excellent. Thank you very much. Thank you.
Aahm, so when we are looking at that gut environment, what we want to be thinking about is what is the gut PH look like? What are the short chain fatty acids looking like? Aahm, what other…how about the secret OIGA some of the factors that were looking at on the CSA. What is the general gut environment? What are the genetics looking at some of these specific snips and are we supplementing to bypass mutations in those snips. And then finally, what are the specific microbes that we are looking at that are a problem?
So what I mean, and what we’re going to look at in the second part of the talk today is not just we are seeing markers on a map that suggests that we have some imbalances, but let’s take a look at that DNA stool test; let’s take a look at CSA. And I want to know specifically what gut bugs do we have? Are we dealing with strap or Ecoli or Pseudomonas or Klebsiella and how are we specifically going to deal with those gut bugs in addition to getting rid of the swamp and bypassing the genetic issues.
And so in the past I’ve talked about the relationship between virus and the body, chronic viral infection and the ability of the body to hold on to toxic metals as a function of that chronic viral infection. But what we’re going to see today is it’s not just a virus that can have this effect on the body, but it’s also bacteria. That the bacteria can help the body to hold on to metals in a way that can create havoc in the system. And so we will focus heavily on aluminum, because aluminum has so many effects on the system. But we are also going to talk about thallium and lead and cadmium as well as mercury, which we all know is an issue.
And so what we will start with, and I will make frequent stops in this presentation to summarize along the way. Because as opposed to the talks last year where was my first year to have the privilege of speaking at Autism 1 and where I felt that I needed to lay the groundwork for the program for those of you who weren’t familiar with the program. Today we’re going to take off from that point and really not go over much of the groundwork at all. But I will stop frequently and kind of review where we are, what we’ve covered before we go on to the next bit of information.
And so today were going to look at, initially, how iron can increase virulence when it comes to bacterial issues; why we are concerned about the SHMT plus mutation; how that affects metals; the effect on the mitochondria. How this plays role in seizure activity, oxidative stress how this feeds got into issues with BH4 levels and aluminum and the A1298 C snaps. How this can then play a role on dopamine levels as well as serotonin levels?